

One day, a woman, victim of a stalker, rushed into Kamotan.
The detectives, including Tatsumi, considered accepting her request to track down the stalker,
but she confessed that the stalking had finished and there was no more danger.

The female client told them that she had visited a shrine famous for breaking connections with people and prayed for her wish to come true.
After that, her stalker died. She was utterly upset by the thought that her wish caused his death. Is this what really happened?

Kamotan members began their investigation to get to the bottom of the truth.

Artist: YongZhi, Te Chuen
Artist: Kim Hui Yee
Artist: Kim Hui Yee
Artist: Kim Hui Yee
Artist: Alex Teo & Kim Hui Yee
Artist: Te Chuen & Alex Teo